Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope of the document11 1.2 Related documents 1.3 Documentconventions 1.3.1 Quick reference table 1.3.2 Superscr ipt notation for parameters and values 1.4 AT Command Syntax15 1.4.1 Using Parameter s .15 1.4.2 Combining
Designing a Wireless networkForeword xxvFrom Past to Present 1Introduction 2Exploring Past Discoveries That Led to Wireless 4Discovering Electromagnetism 4Exploring Conduction 6Inventing the Radio 6Mounting Radio-Telephones in Cars 8Inventing Comput
支持所有标准ESC/POS指令集打印机,北洋、佳博、商祺等 支持串口、并口、USB、网口 1.4是目前最新的公用版本了,其它后续版本都有厂家的标示 包含DLL文件,帮助,VB/VC/DELPHI例程 下边是POS_OPEN函数原型 HANDLE POS_Open(LPCTSTR lpName, int nComBaudrate, int nComDataBits, int nComStopBits, int nComParity, int nParam) 描述 打开端口。 参数 lpName