Get a quick introduction to the technologies, tools, and techniques for programming Virtual Reality on the latest generation of desktop and mobile VR hardware. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn essential development and production concepts, inc
Tony Parisi是虚拟现实领域的权威人士,日前推出新书《Learning Virtual Reality》意在解决开发虚拟现实内容困难的问题。 Tony Parisi从事虚拟现实研究已经超过20年。他是Web 3D标准的先驱人物,还是VRML和X3D语言的联合创建者,目前VRML和X3D已经成为网络3D图形的ISO标准。现在他将参与美国WEVR平台的某项VR开发计划,或会构建下一代开源性VR系统。最后,对本书有兴趣的朋友可通过亚马逊购买。
As an Android developer, including Augmented Reality (AR) in your mobile apps could be a profitable new string to your bow. This tutorial takes you through every aspect of AR for Android with lots of hands-on exercises. Overview •Understand the main