Scientists working with large volumes of high-dimensional data, such as global climate patterns, stellar spectra, or human gene distributions, regularly con- front the problem of dimensionality reduction: Þnding meaningful low-dimen- sional structur
Data reduction of large vector graphics Alexander Kolesnikov and Pasi Fränti Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland 经典文献
We give a tutorial overview of several geometric methods for dimension reduction. We divide the methods into projective methods and methods that model the manifold on which the data lies. For projective methods, we review projection pursuit, princip
This book describes established and advanced methods for reducing the dimensionality of numerical databases. Each descr iption starts from intuitive ideas, develops the necessary mathematical details, and ends by outlining the algorithmic implementa
This Book discusses machine learning for model order reduction, which can be used in modern VLSI design to predict the behavior of an electronic circuit, via mathematical models that predict behavior. The author describes techniques to reduce signif
vs2013编译通过 Polygon Reduction Demo By Stan Melax (c) 1998 The PC executable bunnylod.exe should run on a standard PC. Just run it and enjoy. Mouse dragging spins the rabbit.