Assessment of the risk for the development of age-related macular degeneration requires reliable detection and quantitative mapping of retinal abnormalities that are considered as precursors of the disease. Typical signs for the latter are the so-ca
特别声明:此篇文章根据Maykel的英文文章《Using CSS Sprites to optimize your website for Retina Displays 》进行翻译,整个译文带有我们自己的理解与思想,如果译得不好或不对之处还请同行朋友指点。CSS sprites(CSS图片精灵)已经存在很久了。事实上,八年前就有CSS Sprites的详细介绍。CSS Sprites为一些大型的网站节约了带宽,让提高了用户的加载速度和用户体验,不需要加载更多的图片。
对于小型网站,CSS S