php一个不错的url重写的实现。eg. Steps for translate a page which is "foo.php?id=45" to its URL friendly mode. * Download * Edit url_handler.php * Add a new rule $url->add_rule("foo.php","/entry-[:number1].html
1.移除了URL Rewriter 特性及其代码,目标是想要一个简单的、标准的论坛系统。2.用户注册页面中,设定Time Zone只能为:中国时区。3.在个人配置页面,即时消息服务部分删除了Yahoo IM/ICQ/American IM 等等文本输入框。4.同时,在post显示页面,也屏蔽了Yahoo IM/ICQ/American IM 等等图标的显示。5.在论坛右下角-论坛跳转下拉框中,修复了一个小BUG了(有时会出现2个空白的选项)。6.在post现实页面,修改了个人签名向下对齐,原来
[PHP] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; About php.ini ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PHP's initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for ; configuring many of the aspects of PHP's behavior. ; PHP attempts to find and load this configuration from a