RxLifecyle is a library that can help you to unsubscribe the observable sequences automatically when a activity or fragment is destroying. There are some differences between this library and trello/RxLifecycle: This library will actually unsubscribe
RxLifecycle This library allows one to automatically complete sequences based on a second lifecycle stream. This capability is useful in Android, where incomplete subscr iptions can cause memory leaks. Usage You must start with an Observable represe
基于XDroidMVP开源框架仿写的电影网站,集成酷炫刷新智能框架,万能回收视图适配器BRVAH,屏幕布局框架自动布局)(rxjava + retrofit + rxAndroid + rxlifecycle网络框架的使用,针对界面撤离片段和活动的不同状态以及错误重试按钮,集成的QMUI,空界面撤回,拨号日志常用样式选择,搜索记录利用Realm数据库实现,实现数据库的增删改查,集成的侧滑退出功能(SwipeBackHelper) / r / n
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