Select 用途: 从指定表中取出指定的列的数据 语法: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name 解释: 从数据库中选取资料列,并允许从一或多个资料表中,选取一或多个资料列或资料行。SELECT 陈述式的完整语法相当复杂,但主要子句可摘要为: SELECT select_list [ INTO new_table ] FROM table_source [ WHERE search_condition ] [ GROUP BY group_by _expr
QAD ERP专用数据库及程序开发语言手册 ABL Reference Preface This Preface contains the following sections: * Purpose * Audience * Organization * Using this manual * Typographical conventions * Examples of syntax descr iptions * Example procedures * OpenEdge messages