SMSLib是一个API库用于通过GSM Modem收发SMS短信息。提供Java和.Net两个版本。 This is the SMSLib project ("smslib") This project was registered on on Apr 3, 2006, and is described by the project team as follows: Java library for sending and receiving SMS mess
1. Convert ASCII to 7-bit PDU 2. Convert 7-bit, 8-bit and 16-bit PDU to ASCII 3. Decode/Parsing the hexadecimal (PDU) of SMS message 4. Encode ASCII characters to be sent as SMS ready string
简介:PDU编码协议简介 目前,发送短消息常用Text和PDU(Protocol Data Unit,协议数据单元)模式。使用Text模式收发短信代码简单,实现起来十分容易,但最大的缺点是不能收发中文短信;而PDU模式不仅支持中文短信,也能发送英文短信。PDU模式收发短信可以使用3种编码:7-bit、8-bit和UCS2编码。7-bit编码用于发送普通的ASCII字符,8-bit编码通常用于发送数据消息,UCS2编码用于发送Unicode字符。一般的PDU编码由A B C D E F G H