一个把CSV数据导入数据库的工具. 支持Excel导出的CSV数据。 支持自定义函数。 This class creates sql to import into tables in any mysql table - you specify the fieldname in the csv - and the mysql field in your db that this relates to. It supports database queries to get values to g
1. common.asp - both common.asp files changed to improve performance 2. default.asp - fixed bug where annoymous users where listed as browsing the board 3. functions_date_time_format.asp - the date and time formatting data is now feed into an array
DB类host=$host; $this->user=$user; $this->pass=$pass; $this->data=$data; $this->conn=$conn; $this->code=$code; $this->connect(); } public function __get($name){return $this->$name;} public function __set($name,$value){$this->$
原创强大的jdbc数据库操作工具类: 1.获取数据源 2.设置数据源 3.获取数据库连接 4.执行insert/delete语句,一个参数列表 public static boolean excute(String sql, List args) 5.执行insert/delete语句,多个参数列表 public static int[] excuteBatch(String sql, List args) 6.执行update语句 public static int executeUpdat