软件介绍: 慧荣SMI MPTool SM2250AB SM2244 SSD量产工具,版本K1128A_FWK1130B,附FactoryDriver驱动FW change:fix hpa bug about set max addr and read native max addrreturn RW command error under security lock statefix power cycling in TRIM case
SSD硬盘JMF603开卡工具60X MP Tool for XP vB.2.12 (091021B) 8bank_256pageb.2.12-09/10/21show flash id when auto detect flash fail主程序:JMMassProd.exe文件清单: JMMassProd.exe Flash.ini FWnotes_091021B.txt GDP.BIN JMMassProd.ini MP_USERGUIDE 2.12.pdf satate
SM2246AA主控芯片专用量产工具,内附FLASH支持列表及版本变更记录。edit Config密码为两个空格键从程序的功能选项上,可以看出可设置类型为SSD/HDD/Removable可移动盘。版本更新纪录:N0307A1. Fix no display "No check Flash ID" on setting page.2. Add "Save Flash ID to log File" if it compare Flash ID fail-when initial
SM2235的主控的SM2235MP_I1009的SSD开卡量产工具,版本更新內容概述:FW: 1.Fix the ATA command:.1.Abort CFA ERASE SECTORS.2.Fix CFA TRANSLATE SECTOR command.3.Avoid crash and abort command for PACKET command.4.Avoid crash and abort command for SERVICE command.