Uubt is for McU UsB BlueTooth ============================= This is a demo application for bluetooth USB dongle connected to STM32F4DISCOVERY (http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/252419.jsp) board based on BTstack (http://code.google.com/p/
stlink配套光盘打包内容. 内含: ST-LINK V2使用手册1.3-先看这个.pdf ST-LINKV2 USB driver 1.04 for Windows 7, Vista and XP.zip ST-LINKV2 USB driver1.0 for Windows7 and Windows8, 32 and 64 bits.zip sttoolset.zip
ST-Link驱动,用法都懂的。安装驱动:第一次使用 sttoolset-STVD 安装上软件, 软件安装过程中会提示你安装 STLINK V2 驱动注意选上(单 独的驱动在光盘目录下有 ST-LINKV2 USB driver 1.04 for Windows 7, Vista and XP.zip 这个是 Window 7 ,8 xp 使用的, ST-LINKV2 USB driver1.0 for Windows7 a