We are visual animals. But before we can see the world in its true splendor, our brains, just like our computers, have to sort and organize raw data, and then transform that data to produce new images of the world. Beginning Python Visualization:
Wicked Cool Shell scr ipts - 101 scr ipts For Linux, Mac OS X, And Unix SystemsWicked Cool Shell scr ipts - 101 scr ipts For Linux, Mac OS X, And Unix Systems
比较不错的linuxshell脚本编程。If you've used Unix for any length of time, you've probably found yourself starting to push the envelope, tweak how things work, change the default flags for commands you use a lot, and even create rudimentary shell scr ipts that
Table of Contents Wicked Cool Shell scr ipts—101 scr ipts for Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix Systems Introduction Chapter 1 - The Missing Code Library Chapter 2 - Improving on User Commands Chapter 3 - Creating Utilities Chapter 4 - Tweaking Unix Chapter
Product Descr iption How to Cheat at Windows Systems Administrators using Command line scr ipts teaches system administrators hundreds of powerful, time-saving tips for automating daily system administration tasks using Windows command line scr ipts