This is the code for the paper "Classification of Hyperspectral Images by Gabor Filtering Based Deep Network, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(4), 1166-1178.", and more details can be found i
含psnr,rmse, ergas, sam, uiqi,ssim,DD,CCS,matlab版图片评估指标,适用与高光谱图像,多波段图像
Computes a number of quality indices from the remote sensing literature, namely the RMSE, ERGAS, SAM and UIQI indices.
ground_truth - the original image (3D image),
在进行遥感图像多分类识别时, 针对使用传统方法遇到的分类模型特征提取困难、分类精度不理想、分类种类少等问题, 研究了卷积神经网络(CNN)模型在高光谱遥感地物多分类识别中的可行性及不同CNN 模型对高光谱遥感地物多分类的识别效果。从ISPRS(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)提供的Vaihingen及Google Earth中采集数据,制作了包含6类地物的数据集一。在此基础上增加10类地物制作数据集二, 再增