Remote Registry Service routing and remote access telnet Telephony terminal services windows Firewall/Internet Connection sharing(ICS) wireless zero configuration workstation printer spooler等服务 编写bat文件,即可关闭上述服务。 net stop Remote Registry Service /y n
Windows XP对宽带连接速度进行了限制,是否意味着我们可以改造操作系统,得到更快的上网速度呢? 答:现在宽带网络正逐步走入家庭,得到广泛的应用,但是有的宽带网用户的网页浏览速度、上传及下载速度还不尽如人意。其实在Windows 2000或XP中,通过修改注册表,我们可以让宽带网的速度有大幅的提高,真正享受极速上网的乐趣。 运行“regedit”,以打开“注册表管理器”;然后,按以下路径找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Se
o main.cpp - This file contains the main routine. o City.h - This defines class City. o Service.h - This defines class Service. o RailSystem.h - This declares a class to represent the rail system. o RailSystem.cpp - This is a partial implementation
J1979_201202.TXT.pdf, 有需要的请下载,J1979_201202.TXT.pdfSAE
J1979 Revised feb2012
Page 3 of 128
1.1 Introduction
SAE J1979/So 15031-5 set includes the communication between the vehicle's OBd systems and test equipmen
implemented across vehicles wi