Materials Glass body / Nickel Plated Brass Caps Lead Wire: Tin-lead plated Copper, Diameter 0.032" Option With Heat Shrink Tubing (VW-1) over body Marking On fuse: “bel”, “JS”, “Current Rating”, “350V” “Appropriate Safety Logos” On label: Above info
AutoFlowchart, the Professional sourcecode flowcharting tool. AutoFlowchart is a excellent tool to generate flowchart from sourcecode.Its flowchart can expand and shrink. and you can pre-define the the width , height,Horizontal spacing and v ertical
SQL 2008日志文件占了23G硬盘空间,而事务日志已经截断(Truncate),实际日志内容很小,1G都不到,想要释放日志文件霸占的多余空间。
但是,无论怎么收缩(Shrink)日志文件,空间就是不能释放,总是出现错误:Cannot shrink log file 2 (CNBlogsText_log) because of minimum log space required.
之前解决过类似的问题,也写过一篇博客-SQL Server 2008事务日志清理,当时采用的最终解决方法是:
在CSS3 Flexbox中flex-shrink属性定义为:
This component sets ‘flex-shrink’ longhand and specifies the flex shrink factor, which determines how much the flex item will shrink relative to the rest of the flex items in the flex container when negative free spa