极简 Smalltalk 语法介绍 My presentation is based on the way I tackle any language: 1. Examine the character set and tokens 2. Examine the reserved words 3. Examine each unique syntactic form 4. Examine each unique semantic form 5. Examine the libraries So
用于Raspberry Pi版本0.2的Smalltalk-80这是Raspberry Pi的裸机Smalltalk-80端口。
请参阅docs / Changelog.txt以获取更新。
基于Dan Banay( )的Smalltalk-80 C ++实现和Rene Stange( )的圆形裸机库
Raspberry Pi 1B和零W
Raspberry Pi 2B V 1.1(带有BCM2836)
树莓派3B V 1.2
Raspberry Pi 4
| a b res |
a := TinkerpopHTTPInterface new .
b := TinkerpopGremlinResultBaseRepository new .
a connectionURL: ' http://localhost:8182 ' .
res := a executeGremlin: ' g.V().ha