Computer Vision Market is large and continues to grow There is no standard API (like OpenGL and DirectX in graphics, or OpenSSLin cryptography), most of CV software is of 3 kinds: –Research code (slow, unstable, independent/incompatible data types
halcon 8 用MATROX METEORII采集卡采集时的接口,基于MIL-LITE9。0 System Requirements Intel compatible PC with Windows XP/Vista or Windows XP/Vista x64. Successfully installed Matrox board driver. Matrox DLLs mil.dll, milmet2.dll, milsolios.dll. These DLLs must be w
为了实现工业相机对动态目标的准确、实时跟踪,提出了基于卡尔曼滤波的算法。通过创建背景模型来估计出当前背景,进而得到前景区域,并对前景区域进行相关处理,最后通过计算补集得到更新后的背景。此方法能根据不同场景信息调整前景与背景阈值,减弱背景区域造成的噪声影响,实时地根据场景变化快速、自动更新背景,并对每一位置的像素进行背景估计。通过在VS2010平台上结合JAI软件开工具包(Software Development Kit,SDK)调用Halcon函数库实现了卡尔曼滤波动态跟踪,其中JAI SDK用