SpTBXLib is an add on package for TB2K components, it adds the following features: - Skins - Unicode support for items captions and hints properties. - Custom painting events. - Custom item size. - Anchored items. - Right aligned items. - Accel char
皮肤类控件,toolbar扩展控件; SpTBXLib is an add on package for TB2K components, it adds the following features: - Skins - Unicode support for items captions and hints properties. - Custom painting events. - Custom item size. - Anchored items. - Right aligned
SpTBXLib is an add on package for TB2K components, it adds the following features: - Skins - Unicode support for items captions and hints properties. - Custom painting events. - Custom item size. - Anchored items. - Right aligned items. - Accel char
① 如果已经安装过TB2000,则需先移除控件;
② 双击 MultiInstaller.exe 进行安装,选择组件
③ 选择安装路径,在〔Compile packages and install on IDE〕前勾选
④ 组件安装完毕
⑤ SpTBX1.8 Demo:将压缩包 CompiledDemos.1.8.zip解压到…\S
Pyscr ipter相关组件安装说明.pdfJVCL 3.50 Installation
jyCL350 Installation
Welcome to the J/CL 3 installation application
JVCL 3. 50 Installation The JEDi Vis jal Component Library (JVCL)consists of a huge collection(currenty ca. 5c0)
Choose IdE targe
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