accuracy and stability at numerical algorithmsaccuracy and stability at numerical algorithmsaccuracy and stability at numerical algorithmsaccuracy and stability at numerical algorithmsaccuracy and stability at numerical algorithms
时滞系统稳定性必备书That every problem in NP can be polynomially reduced to an NP-hard problem suggests a proof for NP-hardness. It follows that if a problem ℘1 is NP-hard and polynomially reducible to some problem ℘2, then ℘2 must also be NP-hard. In other w
详细艾伦方差,相位噪声。 This handbook describes practical techniques for frequency stability analysis. It covers the definitions of frequency stability, measuring systems and data formats, pre-processing steps, analysis tools and methods, post-processing steps
TI 公司原版的 Stability for Op Amps,由Tim Green这位从业24年的资深工程师编写。介绍的技巧可以直接用于实际电路,在看完前面的10部分后,对网络传闻的后面的11-23部分如饥似渴般地寻找着,后来在TI网站上找到了最原始的PPT,不过根据目录来看,总共只有15个Part,被网友们误导成了23个part。 最后的最后,运放稳定性只有15部分,这个资源包含所有的部分,分为4个ppt,你们在其它资源里看到的幻灯片模样的图片,这个资源里面都有。
Stability Design of Steel Frames provides a summary of the behavior, analysis and design of structural steel members and frames with flexibly-jointed connections. The book presents the theory and design of structural stability and includes extension
Adaptive control: stability, convergence and robustnessLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sasiry, Shankar( Sosale Shankara
Shankar Sastry anEl Mare bodson
m. Prentice Hall information and systcm sciences
entice hall advanced rcf