I am working on a PIC project that uses an FT245BM to transfer data to > the PC over USB. I am transferring about 3MB of data and want to do it > as fast as possible. However, my current solution is way too slow. > Maybe someone can point o
How well a Web site performs while receiving heavy user traffic is an essential factor in an organization's overall success. How can you be sure your site will hold up under pressure? Performance Analysis for Java(TM) Web Sites is an information-pac
Why should you learn about Linux? It’s a fast-growing operating sys- tem, and it is inexpensive and flexible. Linux is also a major player in the small and mid-sized server field, and it’s an increasingly viable platform for workstation and desktop
Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit) IBM RS 6000 AIX 5L HACMP 5.4 and above. Symptoms Rootpre.sh was run. Output of rootpre.sh shows below message: Checking if group services s
Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to Information in this document applies to any platform. Descr iption The following errors may be reported: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error ORA-27
For the improvement of reliability, safety and efficiency advanced methods of supervision, fault-detection and fault diagnosis become increasingly important formany technical processes. This holds especially for safety related processes like aircraft
如何进行软件测试的经典之作. Abstract— This paper describes a number of methods (called “attacks”) to expose design and development flaws in software. The attacks are manual, exploratory tests designed and executed on-the-fly with little or no overhead. The attac
Part I: Getting Started with SVG Chapter 1. The Basic SVG Tool Set Creating and Editing SVG Text Editors Vector Drawing Packages SVG Viewers Chapter 2. SVG Document Overview Syntax Structure of an SVG Image (Document) The Preliminaries of an SVG Doc
Abstract— This paper describes a number of methods (called “attacks”) to expose design and development flaws in software. The attacks are manual, exploratory tests designed and executed on-the-fly with little or no overhead. The attacks were conceiv
When troubleshooting, you can generally save time by starting with the simplest possible causes and working your way to more complicated ones. I work dozens of trouble tickets at MySQL Support every month. For most of them, we start from trivial req
非常好weblogic诊断教程 Oracle WebLogic Server 10g R3: Troubleshooting Methodologies Duration: 3 Days What you will learn This course teaches the steps to identify the symptoms and causes of the issues, the method of investigating the issues and the ways of
I The Heart of the Problem 13 1 A Method in the Madness 14 1.1 Debugging Is More Than “Making the Bug Go Away” . 14 1.2 The Empirical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3 The Core Debugging Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.4
This paper presents a survey on methods that use digital image processing techniques to detect, quantify and classify plant diseases from digital images in the visible spectrum. Although disease symptoms can manifest in any part of the plant, only m
Your team is stressed; priorities are unclear. You’re not sure what your teammates are working on, and management isn’t helping. If your team is struggling with any of these symptoms, these four case studies will guide you to project success. See ho
Beyond current conversational chatbots or task-oriented dialogue systems that have attracted increasing attention, we move forward to develop a dialogue system for automatic medical diagnosis that converses with patients to collect additional sympto