60cpq150.pdfIF(AV) Rectangular 60 A waveform VRRM 150 V IFSM @ tp = 5 μs sine 2300 A VF @ 30 Apk, TJ= 125°C 0.67 V (per leg) TJ range - 55 to 175 °C Characteristics 60CPQ150 Units Major Ratings and Characteristics Descr iption/Features The 60CPQ150
java初学者的一个劣质版坦克大战,部分源码如下: package flypea; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class TankClient extends Frame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final int
编译好的x265,带y4m文件 Syntax: x265 [options] infile [-o] outfile infile can be YUV or Y4M outfile is raw HEVC bitstream Executable Options: -h/--help Show this help text and exit -V/--version Show version info and exit Output Options: -o/--output Bitstre