TCPView Copyright 1997-2006 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - Introduction TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the owning process name, remote ad
TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the owning process name, remote address and state of TCP connections. TCPView provides a conveniently presented subset of the Ne
Sysinternals 之前为Winternals公司提供的免费工具,Winternals原本是一间主力产品为系统复原与资料保护的公司,为了解决工程师平常在工作上遇到的各种问题,便开发出许多小工具。之后他们将这些工具集合起来称为Sysinternals,并放在网路供人免费下载,其中也包含部分工具的原始码,一直以来都颇受IT专家社群的好评。 微软在2006年7月收购了Winternals,更重要的是,微软藉由此一并购网罗了该公司的两位创办人Mark Russinovich及Bryce Co