计划的master设备(主) sys irf member 1 priority 5 设置成员编号1,优先级5 int Te1/1/1 进入IRF配置端口 shutdown 关闭端口 int Te1/1/2 进入IRF配置端口 shutdown 关闭端口 quit irf-port 1/2 进入IRF视图组-----------------irf port1/2 1/2后边的2不能与下边2/1后边1数字一样否则无法激活 port group int Te 1/1/1 将物理端口绑定到IRF端口
A bandpass filter with twin wideband channels in a single-layer guided-mode resonance grating is presented. Strong refractive-index modulation is used to support the excitation of multimode resonances TE1,0, TE1,1, TE2,0, TE1,2, and TE2,1, which are