VclSkin v2.55 For D567 Delphi VclSkin 2.55 VCLSkin is an VCL library that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinnable application, VCLskin can skin existin
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PictureEx.cpp: implementation of the CPicture class. // // Picture displaying control with support for the following formats: // GIF (including animated GIF87a and GIF89a), JP
Delphi VCLSkin 3.81 官方试用版-HistoryNews in 3.81 11/29/2005*Support TMediaPlayer control.News in 3.80 11/20/2005*Fix some skin files.*Fix bug on ImageEn SaveImageEnDialog.News in 3.72 11/10/2005*Fix bug in TScrollbar when its min is negative.*Fix bug i
此类能显示gif动画,从别处转载 class CPictureEx : public CStatic { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CPictureEx) public: struct TFrame // structure that keeps a single frame info { IPicture *m_pPicture; // pointer to the interface used for drawing SIZE m_frameSize; SIZE m_frameOff
1. WHAT IS DELPHI DISTILLER 2. FEATURES 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR WINDOWS VISTA USERS 4. VERSION HISTORY 5. CONTACT 1. WHAT IS DELPHI DISTILLER --------------------------- Delphi Distiller is a customization tool for Delphi 5/6/7/2006/2007/2009 that lets
Changes in the AlphaControls v11.13 (D5-D10.1/BCB6-BCB10.1) Retail: * Fixed "Out of memory" error in adding of internal skins * Improved drawing of the TFrame content in AlphaHints AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that supp
Changes in the AlphaControls v11.13 (D5-D10.1/BCB6-BCB10.1) Retail: * Fixed "Out of memory" error in adding of internal skins * Improved drawing of the TFrame content in AlphaHints AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that supp
16.08.2016 AlphaControls v11.13 Stable released * Fixed "Out of memory" error in adding of internal skins * Improved drawing of the TFrame content in AlphaHints 12.08.2016 AlphaControls v11.12 Stable released * Fixed error in decoding of skins under
Cross Platform Development with Delphi XE7 & FireMonkey for Windows & MAC OS X.pdfContent
The book
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Chapter 1: Using the FireMonkey components
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: New FireMonkey pro
是否可以通过TTabControl和TTabItems参数编译用户界面来确保App可移动或桌面? 临时幻灯片是TTabControlé合法法律,还是合法的?
Cansado de usar TFrame como classe base para suas views吗?