有時候,在Synaptic Touchpad的設定值中并沒有‘“Disable internal pointting device when external USB pointing device is attached ”’ (当外部USB指向装置连接时,停用内部指向装置),也就是如果我们勾选这个选项,当你连接外接的鼠标的时候,笔记本内建的touchpad就会自动停用掉,而如果你没有外界usb鼠标的时候,touchpad是启动的状态。 如果沒有“Disable internal point
2.4.1. TouchPad identification The most basic query asks whether the device is a Synaptics TouchPad or some other mouse-compatible pointing device. In each protocol, this query is designed as a special command that can be sent to any mouse-compatibl