GDAL/OGR Licensing ================== This file attempts to include all licenses that apply within the GDAL/OGR source tree, in particular any that are supposed to be exposed to the end user for credit requirements for instance. The contents of this
Vincent 3D Rendering Library for Pocket PC ========================================== Overview -------- Vincent develops a compliant implementation of the OpenGL (R) ES 1.1 API specification for Pocket PCs and
Note that Delphi IDE does not move components to the new default place on components palette when you install new version of same component(s). So if you already has EhLib installed, then installation new (3.0) version does not move EhLib components
This document This document contains some information about MUM and SOMA installation, and it is organized as follows: Needed software; Base software installation; Ant, MUM and SOMA installation. Directory tree. Needed software Before starting the i