Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. Application software can access the USB device in the same way as it would access a standard COM port.
nrComm Lib 9.47 Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Roman Novgorodov, DeepSoftware LLC 1. General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solut
遇到问题: 在win10系统下; 在更新某个USB转串口驱动后,出现了黄色叹号,无法识别设备,遇到提示"该设备无法启动(代码10)"; 或者下载安装USB转串口驱动后,每次插USB转串口线,电脑就会蓝屏,终止代码:IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL 解决办法: 1、下载驱动下载地址: ; 2、拔下电脑上的PL2303 USB串口线适配器,并且运行驱动程序; 3、当驱动
CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers,串口转换芯片CP210X驱动,从Silicon Labs官网下载的。全系统版本都有,含Windows10/8/7Server2003/Vista/CE等,含Linux,含Android(Android似乎只有一个pdf不知道为什么)。内附说明文档,自己去看,未经测试。