nrComm Lib v9.27 Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Roman Novgorodov, DeepSoftware LLC 1. General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solu
General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks and supports working with different types of
General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks and supports working with different types of
1. General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks and supports working with different types
nrComm Lib 9.47 Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Roman Novgorodov, DeepSoftware LLC 1. General information ====================== nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solut