============================================================= EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and programmers under "Borland Delphi" with
============================================================= EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and programmers under "Borland Delphi" with
Castalia 2012.3 for Delphi 5-XE3 Castalia transforms the Delphi programming environment into an amazing development platform. Castalia lives on the bleeding edge of IDE technology, giving you cutting edge tools to write better code faster, understan
Castalia transforms the Delphi programming environment into an amazing development platform. Castalia lives on the bleeding edge of IDE technology, giving you cutting edge tools to write better code faster, understand code more accurately, and impro
Castalia是对Delphi开发环境增强。帮助开放人员更快更正确地书写源代码并理解它们。包括代码理解工具、语法检查工具、代码导航工具、代码模版、新的IDE窗口和增强的窗口设计器。 Castalia transforms the Borland Delphi programming environment into a highly productive coding platform. Living on the bleeding edge of development technolog
Understand集成了代码编辑器,代码跟踪器和代码分析器,提供了很强大的界面,将分析结果以各种形式(图形、图表、架构图等)呈现给用户,能很大程度的方便程序员进行开发,维护,调试其代码。 集成代码编辑器,代码跟踪器、代码分析器,支持C/C++/C#,Ada,Java,Fortran,Delphi和Jovial等 Understand is a static analysis toolfor maintaining, measuring, & analyzingcritical or larg
Understand集成了代码编辑器,代码跟踪器和代码分析器,提供了很强大的界面,将分析结果以各种形式(图形、图表、架构图等)呈现给用户,能很大程度的方便程序员进行开发,维护,调试其代码。 集成代码编辑器,代码跟踪器、代码分析器,支持C/C++/C#,Ada,Java,Fortran,Delphi和Jovial等 Understand is a static analysis toolfor maintaining, measuring, & analyzingcritical or larg
pascal 代码分析器,用于了解程序运行效率,是否有内在bug等等。支持Delphi,lazarus多种开发工具,是从事产品开发工程师的益友。 Pascal Analyzer, or PAL for short, is a utility program that analyzes, documents, debugs, and helps you optimize your source code. Pascal Analyzer makes a static code analysis.
Version 1.7 ----------- - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.2 Tokyo now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.1 Berlin now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10 Seattle now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE8 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE7 now supp
Delphi Examples Collection 3.0 This collection will help you to quickly and simply adopt and apply the knowledge of experienced programmers. What you will find here is a set of examples for most used methods and components in everyday programming. S
Find performance bottlenecks and easily mitigate them Discover different approaches to fix algorithms Understand parallel programming and work with various tools included with Delphi Master the RTL for code optimization Explore memory managers and t
Bill writes: "I began my career in the early 1990s, originally an Electronic Engineering major and, soon after, the U.S. Navy. I soon found myself in a shut down engineering firm and was too stubborn to take anything less. My shipmate introduced me