Microsoft Visual Simulation Environment (VSE) provides an integrated environment for creating and running simulations of robots, environments, and other entities using high-fidelity 3D rendering. In addition to the rendering engine which is based on
DB2 UDB is available on a variety of platforms, including -large systemssuch as z/OS, OS/390, VM, and VSE -mid-sized systemssuch as AS/400, AIX, and Solaris -single or LAN-based systemssuch as Windows ,Linux, and UNIX Systems ( DB2 FOR LUW )
本科通信工程开题报告,深空通信中的LDPC码的性能。深空探测体现了一个国家的科技发展和综合实力。近些年来,深空探测取得了惊人的成果[1] [2],而且世界各国都在争相推出深空探测计划。2004年1月美国发布“空间探索新构想”(VSE, Vision for Space Exploration)计划,内容为2020年前重返月球,随后深入太阳系进行探测,最终将人类送往火星或更远的深空;2005年9月美国宇航局(NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Adminis