DEA Tutorial.doc 数据包络分析 见 数据包络分析是一种非参数的客观评价方法,它是由美国运筹学家A. Charnes和W. W. Cooper等学者于1978年在“相对效率评价”基础上发展起来的一种新的系统分析方法。DEA方法属于运筹学所研究的领域,它主要采用数学规划方法,利用观察到的样本数据,对具有相同类型的多投入
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux 实战手册 183 7 The Shell 219 PART III Digging into Ubuntu Linux 249 8 Linux GUIs: X and GNOME 251 9 The Bourne Again Shell 275 10 Networking and the Internet 353 11 Programming the Bourne Again Shell 395 x
PREFACE Purpose/Goals This book describes data structures, methods of organizing large amounts of data, and algorithm analysis, the estimation of the running time of algorithms. As computers become faster and faster, the need for programs that can h
c# 语言设计模式,开发模式,比较常见的工厂模式、等1. What are Design patterns?.mmmm 2 1
Defining Design Patterns……
The Learning process…
Studying Design Patterns
Notes on Object-Oriented Approaches
C井 Design Patterns.27
How This book is organized