Use this small utility to detect any malware keyloggers found on your computer Some trojans include keylogging functionalities, that will steal confidential information you are typing on your computer. To fight this threat, many HIPS applications, a
function PlayProc(iCode:Integer;wParam:wParam;lParam:lParam):LRESULT;stdcall; begin canPlay:=1; Result:=0; if iCode=EventLogs then begin // UNHookWindowsHookEx(hPlay); if PlayLog >= EvArr.EventLogs then begin InitEventArrs(EvArr); if ReadEventArr
包括系统钩子和线程钩子,或者叫全局钩子和私有钩子。系统钩子需要一个单独的DLL,这个地方耽误了不少时间,网上有说可以不用单独DLL的。 现在开始贴代码,代码参照了红黑联盟中的一篇文章。 代码如下: public class SetHook { public class HookTypes { /// /// 钩子类型 /// public enum HookType { WH_JOURNALRECORD = 0,//对寄送至消息队列的输入消息进行记录 WH_GETMESSAGE = 3,/