构建ftp 的软件,Serv-U 是一个可以运行于Windows 95/98/2000/ME 和 Windows NT 4.0下的FTP服务器程序。有了它,你的个人电脑 就可以模拟为一个FTP服务器,也就是说,你所连接的网络中的计算机用户可以访问你的个人电脑,通过FTP协议(文件传输协议)复制、移动、删除你的电脑中的文件或文件夹,可以做一切权限所允许的事情。FTP协议规定了计算机之间的标准通讯方式,使所有不同类型,不同工作系统,不同格式的电脑之间得以互换文件。它可以用最简单的方式创建用户帐号,
Using PowerTCP Secure FTP for .NET, easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, or exercise greater control by directly accessing the data connection. Secure the data using SSL encryption with certificate authentication. Full support for most
With a total installation size of just 200Mb and a CD size of just 99.9Mb, this has to be one of the smallest Windows XP installations out there. Whats more - you can use 99% of the programs you always use and up to now there is not one single repor