译文: 现在你已经可以熟练地使用MySQL客户端软件来操作数据库里的数据,我们也可以开始学习如何使用PHP来显示和修改数据库里的数据了。PHP有标准的函数用来操作数据库。 . . . . . . 原文: Getting PHP to Talk to MySQl Now that you’re comfortable using the MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database, you can begin using PHP t
基于palm的自行车测速计之硬件设计 The RTS line is activated (space level) by software and shorted by the sensor to RXD. This way, the UART detects at least a start bit (RXD goes from mark to space). We do not care about the further reception since all we wanted ha
This book is for people who want to write programs that communicate with each other using an application program interface (API) known as sockets. Some readers may be very familiar with sockets already, as that model has become synonymous with netwo
论文摘要 架构风格与基于网络的软件架构设计 作者:Roy Thomas Fielding 信息与计算机科学博士 加州大学欧文分校,2000 年 博士论文答辩委员会*:Richard N. Taylor 教授 万维网(World Wide We )的成功,很大程度上是因为其软件架构的设计满足了 Internet 规模(Internet-scale)的分布式超媒体系统的需求。在过去的10 年间,通过对定义 We 架构的标准所做的一系列修改,We 以迭代的方式不断地发展着。
This book isn't an introduction to object-oriented technology or design. Many books already do a good job of that. This book assumes you are reasonably proficient in at least one object-oriented programming language, and you should have some experie
Web Design for Developers will show you how to make your web-based application look professionally designed. We'll help you learn how to pick the right colors and fonts, avoid costly interface and accessibility mistakes--your application will really
This book isn't an introduction to object-oriented technology or design. Many books already do a good job of that. This book assumes you are reasonably proficient in at least one object-oriented programming language, and you should have some experie
PREFACE About the Second Editionvi FOREWORD By Roger Blackxii INTRODUCTION Read me first2 Throat clearing and disclaimers guiding principles Don!ˉtmake me think! 1 CHAPTER1 Krug!ˉs First Law of Usabilit CHAPTER 2 How we reallyuse the Web20 Scanning,
Introduction Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold's Programming Windows—a classic programming text that is the bible to an entire generation of Windows programmers. When I set out to become