Learning Spark Spark是Apache的通用快速集群计算平台。 Apache Spark is a cluster computing platform designed to be fast and general purpose. 本文档是2015版的文档。 作者 Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski,Patrick Wendell & Matei Zaharia
Databricks的Learning Spark - Lighting-Fast Data Analysis,2015-01-26第一版,作者是Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell, and Matei Zaharia,搞Spark的应该都知道吧。这是翻译的第四章,第三章已上传,发现问题请告知,谢谢。
Databricks的Learning Spark - Lighting-Fast Data Analysis,2015-01-26第一版,作者是Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell, and Matei Zaharia,搞Spark的应该都知道吧。第三章到第八章翻译试读。
Since Walter’s Turtles, technology has come a long way and we can now boast of state-of-the-art robots, such as ASIMO, PR2, NaO and Pepper. My interest in this field of study, which has taken on obsessive proportions, is due to my academic backgroun
Wendell和Schmee(1996, //www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01621459.1996.10476950)提出了检验假设的方法,并通过最大化一组样本中的$ P $值来寻找总体的置信范围。令人讨厌的参数-各个阶层的总数。 他们通过根据估计的总数对可能的结果进行排序来找到$ P $值:他们的方法组合起来很复杂:Feller的经典“金星”论点表明存在$ \
PET-在PET.py上使用UFRN,在解决该问题时将使用Python编写语言。 Cada um dos problemas foi resolvido e apresentado por um aluno petiano。 Abaixo SEGUE O链路对Ø博客做PET - Física达UFRN ONDE VOCE颇得conferir片尾projetos TAIS