The OPA357 series of high-speed, voltage-feedback CMOS operational amplifiers are designed for video and other applications requiring wide bandwidth. They are unity-gain stable and can drive large output currents. Differential gain is 0.02% and diff
The OPA227 and OPA228 series op amps combine low noise and wide bandwidth with high precision to make them the ideal choice for applications requiring both ac and precision dc performance. The OPA227 is unity gain stable and features high slew rate
Contents Preface xi List of contributors and editors xiii List of acronyms xvi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Trends and evolution1 1 1.2 Scope of the book 3 2 Transmission techniques 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 OFDM systems 7 2.2.1 Introduction 7 2.2.2 OFDM: a
The WBX is a wide bandwidth transceiver that provides up to 100 mW of output power and a noise figure of 5 dB. The LO's for the receive and transmit chains oper ate independently, but can be synchronized for MIMO operation. The WBX provides 40 MHz o
WBX 无线领域的PC机 USPR The WBX is a wide bandwidth transceiver that provides up to 100 mW of output power and a noise figure of 5 dB. The LO's for the receive and transmit chains oper ate independently, but can be synchronized for MIMO operation. The WBX
The AD72651 is a dual, 12-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation ADC that operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.25 V power supply and features throughput rates of up to 1 MSPS. The device contains two ADCs, each preceded by a 3-channel mul
We demonstrate a broad bandwidth multiwavelength laser based on a bidirectional Lyot filter and a semiconductor optical amplifier with a mechanism of intensity-dependent loss as the flatness agent. A wide bandwidth of a multiwavelength spectrum of 32
The liquid crystal thermography is a high-resolution and non-intrusive optical technique for full-field temperature measurement. We present detailed calibration data for a wide-bandwidth thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) to investigate the effect of
The design and fabrication of a composite ultrathin magnetic-type radar absorption material (RAM) exhibiting excellent properties of wide bandwidth is demonstrated in this study. RAMs with the range of 2-18GHz are obtained based on EW (a type of iron
The designs of magneto-electric (ME) dipole antennas and 4 × 4 planar arrays on low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) substrates are presented for radio-over-fiber (ROF) systems. The ME dipole antenna covers the four 2.16 GHz channels defined in the
One of the most serious challenges facing exponential performance growth in the information industry is the bandwidth bottleneck in interchip interconnects. We propose a photonics–electronics convergence system in response to this issue. To demonstra