Microsoft Mobile 移动开发宝典 NET+Compact+Framework.doc SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition.doc WindowsGUI.doc 捕获错误,测试与调试.doc 打包与部署.doc 理解.NET Compact Framework与性能优化.doc
使用邮件地址作为反弹shell的服务器地址,用于windows的反弹shell,可在编译时选择隐藏弹出窗口 This golng reverse shell fetches the address from your latest email subject, and the subject should be like this: This golag file requires go-pop3 lib which you can get it here: htt
本文实例讲述了基于wxpython实现的windows GUI程序。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:
# using a wx.Frame, wx.MenuBar, wx.Menu, wx.Panel, wx.StaticText, wx.Button,
# and a wx.BoxSizer to show a rudimentary wxPython Windows GUI application
# wxPython package from: