Quest Software has been working really hard on their Mac OS X management software. As a side effect of that, they have put together some Preference Manifests for MS Office 2008. You can use these with anything that uses manifest such as Workgroup Ma
802.1Q-2005 vlan协议标准 英文版 IEEE 802.1Q, or VLAN Tagging, is a networking standard written by the IEEE 802.1 workgroup allowing multiple bridged networks to transparently share the same physical network link without leakage of information between netwo
在配置为对等网络环境中的工作组成员的计算机(基于 Windows XP)上,您可能会遇到下列一种或多种症状: • 无法访问共享的文件夹或文件。 • 无法找到工作组中的其他计算机。 • 在“网上邻居”中双击工作组时,您收到以下错误消息: Workgroup Name is not accessible. You may not have permission to use this network resource. 注意:在对等网络中,各台计算机之间都是平等的,它们均可以启动通信。此方式不同于
Product Descr iption RFID is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that receive and respond to transmissions from RFID transmitters. RFID tags are
服务器为Windows Server 2003 SP2,未配置Active Directory。服务器与各使用者的工作机均处于workgroup环境中。 步骤一:准备工作 步骤二:安装Project Server 2007 步骤三:配置Project Web Access 步骤四:配置表单验证(Form Authentication) 步骤五:配置Project Professional