In this paper, we pressnt the results of colliding pulse mode-looking of (Ce3+, Nd3+):YAG lasar using an antiresonant ring in the unstable resonator. Using a(Ce3+, Nd3+): YAG laser crystal of 3×40 mm insizs and the pentanethine oyanine in 1, 2-dichlo
We report in this paper the spectral properties of YAG double doped with Er3+(2 at %),Ce3+(0. 3 at %) (YAG:Er, Ce) laser crystals grown by Czocharalski technique. The absorption and emission spectra have been measured at room temperature. By using ab
YAG:Ce crystal with a diameter of 110 mm is successfully grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT). The effects of annealing on the luminescence efficiency of YAG:Ce crystal are investigated, and the optimal annealing temperature and atmosphe