2008年9月计算机三级网络技术笔试及答案 选择题 (1) 下述说法中,不正确的是 A) 笔记本电脑是手持设备 B)掌上电脑是手持设备 C) PDA是手持设备 D) 3G手机是手持设备 (2) 下列说法中,哪一个是正确的? A)软件和硬件是经过科学家严格定义的科学术语 B) 计算机只要有硬件就能工作,买不买软件无所谓 C) 软件与硬件在功能上有等价性 D)硬件和软件的界限模糊,很难区分
I made this file by collecting kinds of paper test information online in about half a year. I made it public to help the ones hunting for jobs like myself last year. If anything is wrong, Please contact me by CSDN or Peking Moment at gmail dot com.
I made this file by collecting kinds of paper test information online in about half a year. I made it public to help the ones hunting for jobs like myself last year. If anything is wrong, Please contact me by CSDN or Peking Moment at gmail dot com. Y
I made this file by collecting kinds of paper test information online in about half a year. I made it public to help the ones hunting for jobs like myself last year. If anything is wrong, Please contact me by CSDN or Peking Moment at gmail dot com. Y