As web developers, our lives revolve around working with data. We create databases to store the data, code toretrieve and modify it, and web pages to collect and summarize it. This is the first tutorial in a lengthy seriesthat will explore te chniqu
Historically, a course on data structures has been a mainstay of most computerscience departments. Over the last 18 years, however, the focus of this coursehas broadened considerably. The topic of data structures has now been subsumed<br&g t;unde
Wiley, Data Warehousing for Dummies (Wiley 2009.2.ed).pdf ------------------ Part I: The Data Warehouse: Home for Your Data Assets ...7 Chapter 1: What’s in a Data Warehouse? ........................................................................9
Performance and scalability are more critical than ever in today’s enterprise database applications, and traditional database tuning isn’t nearly enough to solve the performance problems you are likely to see in those applications. Nowadays, 75-95%
Chapter 1 Data Warehouse Logical Design 3 Chapter 2 Implementing a Data Warehouse 41 Part II Develo ping SSIS Packages Chapter 3 Creating SSIS Packages 87 Chapter 4 Designing and Implementing Control Flow 131 Chapter 5 Designing and Implementing Dat