By building IPv6 into Cisco IOS software, we are enabling continued growth of the Internet and its expansion into new applications and capabilities in a way that maintains compatibility with existing Internet services." -- Stephen Deering, Cisco Fel
Internetworking IPv6 with Cisco Routers 想要学习IPv6的,这本书我觉得真的很好,希望大家都可以看看。 先贴一个目录给大家看看: Chapter 1: Introduction Overview, Why IPv6, Why a new address scheme, Best Effort: is it enough, Requisites to be satisfied by IPv6, An address space to last, To un
ATM Signalling PROTOCOLS AND PRACTICE Introduction ..................................... 1 1 .l Organisation of the Book ............................ 2 1.2 Systems used for Experiments ......................... 2 1.3 Protocol Tracing Tools .........
This book describes the essential components of the SCION secure Internet architecture, the first architecture designed foremost for strong security and high availability. Among its core features, SCION also provides route control, explicit trust inf