The MC9S12E128 (E128) is designed for the low-cost, general-purpose distribution market with 8K of RAM and 128K FLASH. The E128 is a member of the MC9S12E Family of 16-bit FLASH-based microcontrollers. It is the first of a series of new low-cost, ge
可以方便实现在动态加载BPL中的窗体 With AppFW Components you can write Applications with extensible functionalities without worrying about your ideas in the future. Write a container application to host your modules and you're able to add new functions at any time
iPhone的应用程序开发 Certain technologies bring out everyone's hidden geek, and the iPhone did so instantly upon its release. Thousands of programmers want to provide applications on the iPhone, and this book shows you how to achieve the spectacular effect
本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0 下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API) 。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯 一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。
前言 FTP(File Transfer Protocol)是文件传输协议的简称。用于Internet上的控制文件的双向传输。同时,它也是一个应用程序(Application)。用户可以通过它把自己的PC机与世界各地所有运行FTP协议的服务器相连,访问服务器上的大量程序和信息。如果用户需要将文件从自己的计算机上发送到另一台计算机上,可使用FTP上传(upload)或(put)操作,而更多种的情况是用户使用FTP下载(download)或获取(get)操作从FTP服务器上下载文件