1. An Introduction to WebGL. 1 WebGL—A Technical Definition 2 3D Graphics—A Primer 4 3D Coordinate Systems 4 Meshes, Polygons, and Vertices 4 Materials, Textures, and Lights 5 Transforms and Matrices 6 Cameras, Perspective, Viewports, and Projection
Record sounds / noises around you and turn them into music. It’s a work in progress, at the moment it enables you to record live audio straight from your browser, edit it and save these sounds as a WAV file. There's also a sequencer part where you c
使用md5('Message to hash'); var hash = md5.create(); hash.update('Message to hash'); hash.hex(); 实例:md5(''); // d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e md5('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'); // 9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6 md5('The quick bro
目录 第1章 HTML 5简介 1 1.1 HTML历史与HTML 5 2 1.2 HTML 5的优势 6 1.3 HTML 5的基本结构和语法变化 8 1.4 本章小结 12 第2章 HTML 5的常用元素与属性 14 2.1 HTML 5保留的常用元素 15 2.2 HTML 5增强的ifr a me元素 34 2.3 HTML 5保留的通用属性 40 2.4 HTML 5新增的通用属性 44 2.5 HTML 5新增的结构元素 48 2.6 HTML 5新增的语义元素 55 2.7 HT
Technical Analysis of the Pegasus Exploits on iOS
This section reports on first stage of the Pegasus exploit of the “Trident” zeroday vulnerabilities on iOS, discovered by researchers at Lookout and Citizen Lab. The first stage of the attack is trig
def sum(nums:Int * ) = {
var result = 0
for(num <- nums){
result += num
result 是返回值
因为是返回值,所以 在定义的时候别忘记有 = 。
如何传递 range 序列 ?
比如上面的传递 val s = sum(1 to 10) 这样子是不对的,此时需要使用 scala 特殊的语法将参数定义为序列,让 scala 解释器能够识别。