一个就是使用继承。比方说,你可以先创建一个颜色处理器的类。 package{ public class colorProcessor{ public function setFillColor(color:uint):void{ } } } 然后,形状和文本就可以继承colorProcessor类了。 package{ public class shapeClass extends colorProcessor{ override public function setFillColor(co
CDMI 云存储管理接口规范 描述云存储及部分管理接口的规范性文档, 可惜当下是全英文的.(呵呵,英语好的家伙有福了) 1 - Scope Defines the scope of this document 2 - References Lists the normative references for this document 3 - Terms Provides terminology used in this document 4 - Conventions Describes t
The Hardware Book contains misc technical information about computers and other electronic devices. You'll find the pinout to most common (and uncommon) connectors availble, as well as info about how to build cables.
一,将includes文件夹上传到zencart系统根目录 二,将tpl_main_page.php文件上传到includes\templates\template_default\common目录下,如果修改过tpl_main_page.php文件那么 请在文件的开头添加如下代码 $center_column_only = array('checkout_online_payment'); //你要哪个页面不要就写在这里就是了. // the following IF statement c
西门子TC35模块硬件接口描述 This document describes the hardware of the Siemens TC35i module that connects to the cellular device application and the air interface. As TC35i is intended to integrate with a wide range of application platforms, all functional com
MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : USBPort ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this USBPort application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Fo
procedure TFrmMain.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var BPLClass:TClass; begin BPLClass:=GetClass('TForm1'); If BPLClassnil then begin Caption:='Create OK' ; Frm:=TComponentClass(BPLClass).Create(Application) as IFormAction; end; end;
GSM MODEM 动态链接库 (DLL) 二次开发接口 适用范围: 本短信二次开发接口适用于WAVECOM、西门子、诺基亚、摩托罗拉等支持标准AT指令的GSM短信终端 使用方式: 将sms.dll文件拷贝到系统安装目录中的system32文件夹中,然后再根据以下接口函数说明和提供的例程源码开发 接口函数: 1、Sms_Connection(Com_Port As Integer,Com_BaudRate As Integer, Mobile_Type As String) As Intege