资源简介现有的 Java EE 应用 假定我们已经拥有了一个管理雇员信息的 Java EE 应用,名为 EmployeeMgmt-Server,结构如 图 1 所示: 图 1. Java EE 工程结构 这是一个典型的 Java EE 应用,使用了流行的 Spring 框架。为了简化数据库操作,我们使用了内存数据库 HSQLDB。对这个简单的应用,省略了 DAO,直接在 Fa?ade 中通过 Spring 的 JdbcTemplate 操作数据库。最后,EmployeeMgmt 应用通过 Se
This is a book for programmers interested in developing Java web services and Java clients against web services, whatever the implementation language. The book is a codedriven introduction to JAX-WS (Java API for XML-Web Services), the framework of
java Anyone else having a problem with the new JRE7u55 (Upgrade) packages? They came down from Solar Winds yesterday and I went to test them on my VMs today. I approved the packages to my test group and on both my XP VM and Win7 VM the updates showe