TCP友好的多媒体通信实验、AIMD算法、ns-2仿真、相关论文 Implements MPEG_APP. MPEG_APP has the same flow-control mechanism as MM_APP. But, it reads in a MPEG trace file and generates traffic based on the input file and congestion notification from the network
This article reviews progress in cooperative communication networks. Our survey is by no means exhaustive. Instead, we assemble a representative sample of recent results to serve as a roadmap for the area. Our emphasis is on wireless networks, but m
PCL-800 series communication card provides reliable, high-speed serial communication. The unique shared interrupt can be set to most common (extended) AT interrupts. This simplifies programming, speeds up interrupt processing and frees up interrupts
Radmin is a remote control program that lets you work on another computer remotely through your own. You see the remote computer's screen in a resizable window on your own monitor or as the full screen. Your mouse and keyboard control the remote com
omron plc 以太网 Fins 通信测试 源码 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim CommandStr As String CommandStr = Text2.Text FinsMsg1.sendFinsCommand NetNo.Text, NodeNo.Text, UnitNo.Text, CommandStr 'FinsMsg.sendFinsCommand 网络号, 节点号, 单元号, Fins命令 End Sub Private Sub Com
omron plc fins 通信源码 Private Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _ (ByVal wVersionRequired As Long, lpWSADATA As WSADATA) As Long Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib
Ø The socket library that acts as a concurrency framework. Ø Faster than TCP, for clustered products and supercomputing. Ø Carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, and multicast. Ø Connect N-to-N via fanout, pubsub, pipeline, request-reply.
DVB-RCS的全英文标准,详细全面。What is DVB-RCS? DVB-RCS is a technical standard, designed by the DVB Project, that defines a complete air interface specification for two-way satellite broadband VSAT (very small aperture terminal) systems. Low cost VSAT equipmen
VB 客户和服务通信Private Sub Form_Load() tcpServer.LocalPort = 1001 tcpServer.Listen frmClient.Show '显示客户端的窗体。 End Sub Private Sub tcpServer_ConnectionRequest _ (ByVal requestID As Long) '检查控件的 State 属性是否为关闭的。 '如果不是, '在接受新的连接之前先关闭此连接。 If tcpServer.State s
A Mathematical Theory of Communication By C. E. SHANNON INTRODUCTION THE recent development of various methods of modulation such as PCM and PPM which exchange bandwidth for signal-to-noise ratio has intensified the interest in a general theory of c
This Part of this specification was developed in response to the growing need for a generic coding method of moving pictures and of associated sound for various applications such as digital storage media, television broadcasting and communication. T
Dim speed_str(2) As Byte Dim second_count Dim second_count1 Dim bit_direc '电机方向位 Dim bit_free '电机自由位 Public Function H_To_B(ByVal Hex As String) As String Dim I As Long Dim B As String Hex = UCase(Hex) For I = 1 To Len(Hex) Select Case Mid(Hex, I, 1