

  1. New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval

  2. New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval presents an exciting new direction for research into cognitive oriented information retrieval (IR) research, a direction based on an analysis of the user’s problem situation and cognitive behavior wh
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2009-07-06
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:ziyuang
  1. 集合卡尔曼滤波算法-数据同化的经典算法,Matlab编写

  2. 数据同化的经典算法,集合卡尔曼滤波算法,用Matlab写的,里面附有一些参考文献,初学者适用
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2010-09-26
    • 文件大小:6291456
    • 提供者:qinsixian
  1. Data Assimilation (Physical/Interdisciplinary)

  2. Data assimilation is a novel, versatile methodology for estimating oceanic variables. The estimation of a quantity of interest via data assimilation involves the combination of observational data with the underlying dynamical principles governing th
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2011-03-24
    • 文件大小:3145728
    • 提供者:g1w2h31980

  2. macos 安装wrf;The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs. It features multiple dynamical cores, a 3-
  3. 所属分类:MacOS

    • 发布日期:2011-08-18
    • 文件大小:129024
    • 提供者:vaiofs15c
  1. 最新版本的WRF 天气数值模拟

  2. The mission of the atmospheric chemistry working group is to guide the development of the capability to simulate chemistry and aerosols — online as well as offline — within the WRF model. The resulting WRF/Chem model will have the option to simulate
  3. 所属分类:软件测试

    • 发布日期:2012-04-18
    • 文件大小:47185920
    • 提供者:wangguishi
  1. Data Assimilation

  2. Geir Evensen 的Data Assimilation,介绍油藏数值模拟算法,EnKF。
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2012-04-25
    • 文件大小:12582912
    • 提供者:vanboy
  1. Challenges in Complex Systems Science

  2. FuturICT foundations are social science, complex systems science, and ICT. The main concerns and challenges in the science of complex systems in the context of FuturICT are laid out in this pa- per with special emphasis on the Complex Systems route
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2013-01-22
    • 文件大小:369664
    • 提供者:ww1622160950
  1. Data assimilation concepts and methods

  2. Data assimilation concepts and methods
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2013-08-04
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:kolrsong
  1. 数据挖掘概念和技术

  2. 本书介绍数据挖掘的概念,数据仓库,数据预处理,数据挖掘原语、语言和系统结构
  3. 所属分类:讲义

    • 发布日期:2015-06-15
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:qq_29041457
  1. A new data assimilation approach for improving runoff prediction

  2. 关于水文学上的数据同化方法,主要使用的是卡尔曼滤波的方法。可以依据遥感的表层土壤水分,同步的更正降雨。对于提高降雨精度以及无资料地区的数据移用有巨大意义。
  3. 所属分类:其它


  2. This textbook evolved from a course in geophysical inverse methods taught during the past two decades at New Mexico Tech, first by Rick Aster and, subsequently, jointly between Rick Aster and Brian Borchers. The audience for the course has included a
  3. 所属分类:教育

    • 发布日期:2015-08-17
    • 文件大小:6291456
    • 提供者:yuankanxue
  1. Variational Methods with Applications in Science and Engineering

  2. 1 Preliminaries 3 1.1 A Bit of History 4 1.2 Introduction 7 1.3 Motivation 8 1.3.1 Optics 8 1.3.2 Shape of a Liquid Drop 10 1.3.3 Optimization of a River-Crossing Trajectory 12 1.3.4 Summary 14 1.4 Extrema of Functions 14 1.5 Constrained Extrema and
  3. 所属分类:教育

    • 发布日期:2016-02-05
    • 文件大小:6291456
    • 提供者:chengye200503
  1. Data Assimilation A Mathematical Introduction

  2. Data Assimilation A Mathematical Introduction 全文
  3. 所属分类:讲义

    • 发布日期:2016-09-25
    • 文件大小:5242880
    • 提供者:u013629890
  1. Assimilation of virtual legs via tactile feedback

  2. 本资源对脑电信号的作用进行了研究,可以对写论文具有帮助。
  3. 所属分类:机器学习

    • 发布日期:2017-12-13
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:malingyu
  1. Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications

  2. Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications (Vol. III),数学大牛Francois推荐的同化入门基础
  3. 所属分类:讲义

    • 发布日期:2018-03-11
    • 文件大小:49283072
    • 提供者:skaudrey
  1. Data Assimilation for the Earth System

  2. 地球系统方面的英文专业数据,数据同化方法在地球系统领域的应用。
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2018-04-11
    • 文件大小:14680064
    • 提供者:xhh_1204
  1. Linear Algebra 2018 springer

  2. This book introduces the fundamental concepts, techniques and results of linear algebra that form the basis of analysis, applied mathematics and algebra. Intended as a text for undergraduate students of mathematics, science and engineering with a kn
  3. 所属分类:机器学习

    • 发布日期:2018-07-23
    • 文件大小:2097152
    • 提供者:weixin_41245916
  1. Probabilistic Forecasting and Bayesian Data Assimilation

  2. Probabilistic Forecasting and Bayesian Data Assimilation
  3. 所属分类:机器学习

    • 发布日期:2019-05-03
    • 文件大小:8388608
    • 提供者:carrotcoder
  1. assimilation-源码

  2. assimilation
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-03-18
    • 文件大小:21504
    • 提供者:weixin_42099087
  1. A simple data assimilation method for improving the MODIS LAI time-series data products based on the object analysis and

  2. A simple data assimilation method for improving estimation of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) leaf area index (LAI) time-series data products based on the gradient inverse weighted filter and object analysis is proposed. The pro
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-02-10
    • 文件大小:226304
    • 提供者:weixin_38500630
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