Gnash supports practically all SWF opcodes and most Actionscr ipt classes up to SWF version 7. Gnash also supports some of the most important SWF version 8 Actionscr ipt classes. There is no support yet for Actionscr ipt 3 (ABC blocks) or AVM2, whic
DoABCScan主要功能是让用户通过读取、修改、保存的操作,以学习Flash AVM2 即AS3版本的SWF的 ABC数据格式。 DoABCScan main function is to allow users to read, modify, save the operation, in order to learn Flash AVM2 the AS3 version of the SWF of the ABC data format.
Actionscr ipt 3.0 goes beyond the scr ipting capabilities of previous versions of Actionscr ipt. It is designed to facilitate the creation of highly complex applications with large data sets and object-oriented, reusable code bases. Actionscr ipt 3.