pdf版,里面代码可以复制的 Pattern lists are comma- or space-separated lists of file-matching patterns. accepts the same nested elements as a element. (See section 5.3.7.) Here are some examples: ...展开收缩
这是一个维护版本,主要是bug修复: ** Bug * [MNG-4840] - Prerequisites is not working on m3 * [MNG-4913] - [regression] User properties override equally named POM properties of transitive dependencies * [MNG-4915] - Versions in pom.xml are not checked for invalid c
- - - - Builds, tests, and runs the project BicycleRental. - <!-- There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed before and after some main target
亲自压缩的MySQL(仅4M多) 1、将解压到某路径下 如:C:/MiniMySQL 2、修改my.ini #Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this. basedir="C:/MySQL/" #Path to the database root datadir="C:/MySQL/Data/" 3、运行install.bat 4、 默认数据库 root 密码为 5861291